  • Admission Open for classes KG,1 to 11....for details Dial: 0472 2587900, 9400394511

School Discipline

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts."
- C.S. Lewis
  1. Students should wear the prescribed uniform. Defaulters will be excluded from the class.
  2. Parents may not visit their wards or the teachers in the classroom without the permission of the Principal.
  3. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 10 consecutive days render the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls and six continuous days absence of the student from the re-opening day will also result in the removal from the roll. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee Every student is responsible for the safekeeping of his/her valuable belongings. The school accepts no responsibility for their loss.
  4. Any exchange of articles or money transaction between students is forbidden.
  5. If at the start of the class no teacher has arrived, the class leader should see that order and silence are maintained. Even after five minutes the teacher has not yet arrived the leader should inform the Principal.
  6. All should respect and take care of the school property as their own and avoid defacing walls, deliberate damaging of property and furniture of the school, or throwing paper anywhere but in the basket.
  7. Use of mobile phone is strictly forbidden in the school compound.
  8. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed. No pupil may enter any classroom other than his/her own without permission. While going to the Assembly, Library, P.T. classes or when changing classrooms for language classes, the students have to go in silence, in single line without disturbing the neighbouring classes.
  9. If a student is found to misbehave or use foul language or found physically harming another student, he/she will be marked on his Leaving Certificate. Habitual use of foul language or misbehavior beyond correction will lead to dismissal.
  10. Students are expected to converse and communicate only English in the class, School premises and in the School buses.
  11. Students who remain in their classrooms during intervals are not allowed to play inside. They are not allowed to play in the corridors or the school yards during intervals.
  12. Hall Tickets will be issued to the students who remit the school tuition fee and Bus fee before every terminal examination as an eligibility to appear the examination.
  13. Use of alcohol, tobacco, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the campus.
  14. Bringing motor vehicle to the school is strictly prohibited.